Commercial Pilot Practical Test Scenarios



Create flight plan towards a practice area:

KMYF Cross- Countries

If you are departing from Montgomery and your name starts with A – N your destination will be KHND. 

If your name starts with O – Z, your destination will be KSMX. 

* Students departing out of Montgomery: Start your flight plan towards or near the East practice area

KBFL Cross-Countries

If you are departing from Bakersfield and your name starts with A – N your destination will be KOAK. 

If your name starts with O – Z, your destination will be KBVU.

KTOA Cross-Countries

If you are departing from Torrance and your name starts with A – N your destination will be KMAE. 

If your name starts with O – Z, your destination will be KHND.

KRDM Cross-Countries

If you are departing from Redmond and your name starts with A – N your destination will be KBFI.
If your name starts with O – Z, your destination will be KLWS.

*All airports: Start your flight plan towards or near a practice area

* All other airports: Create a cross-country flight plan to an airport more than 200 NM away from your home airport, preferably towards or near a practice area. 


  • For the Flight portion, Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.
  • Please bring your weight AND balances to the Practical Test
  • Please prepare your Risk Analysis for the Practical.

For a 150 – you will have one passenger that weighs 188 lbs. Baggage is 12 lbs. of Regatta paraphernalia.

If your aircraft is a 150, you will have one passenger that weighs 170 lbs. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Cessna 152 Weight and balance

Scenario #1– If you weigh between 140 and 170 lbs., your passenger will weigh 210 and you each have baggage that weighs 60 lbs. each. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #2– If you weigh between 171 and 185 lbs., your passenger will weigh 180 and you each have baggage that weighs 60 lbs. each. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #3– If you weigh between 186 and 220 lbs., your passenger will weigh 165 and you each have baggage that weighs 60 lbs. each. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #4– If you weigh between 221 and 250 lbs., your passenger will weigh 130 and you each have baggage that weighs 60 lbs. each. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

For a 172 – you will have three passengers that weigh 160 lbs. each. Baggage is 35 lbs. of Regatta paraphernalia. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

S MODEL Cessna 172S Weight and Balance

Scenario #1– If you weigh between 140 and 170 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 180 each and their baggage will weigh 40 lbs. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #2– If you weigh between 171 and 185 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 170 each and their baggage will weigh 40 lbs. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #3– If you weigh between 186 and 220 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 165 each and you each have baggage that weighs 60 lbs. each. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

Scenario #4– If you weigh between 221 and 250 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 155 each and their baggage will weigh 40 lbs. Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.


Also, on a piece of paper, either print or write ALL the dates and times of ALL your COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENT TIME, the dates, and all other commercial requirements according to 61.129.

And dates & times of ALL your solo & solo night times. (E.g. 8/5/23 1.3 Instrument.)

And of course your long solo cross country.

And your complex time and tail number.

Each requirement should be in a separate section per 61.129 requirements

Each requirement section should include the dates they were completed. Which aircraft or ATD they were completed in. And the amount of time logged.

Most importantly, is the instrument time completed during commercial training.

Second, most important is the solo time during commercial training.

Third most important would be your solo nighttime completed during commercial training.

Writing them out and separate areas of the requirements works well.

PLEASE view and emulate the sample below.

If any of these destinations are not MORE than 100 NM from your departure, please contact your DPE at: (503) 809-6441.

If you have a graduation certificate of any sort please bring that to the practical test with you, as well as your risk analysis for your cross country flight.
