Certified Flight Instructor Practical Test Scenarios


  • Prepare the required 250 nautical mile cross-country along airways for your new instrument student
  • Bring all your lesson plans
  • For the Flight portion, Heidi weighs 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

If your aircraft is a 150, you will have one passenger that weighs 170 lbs. Heidi weights 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

If your aircraft is a 152, and your weight is 135 or less your passenger weighs 190. If you’re 140 lbs. or under, you will have one passenger that weighs 185 lbs. and your luggage is 75 lbs. For applicants who weigh 141 to 160 lbs., your passenger will weigh 185 lbs. and your luggage 55 lbs. If you weigh 165 to 185 lbs., your passenger will weigh 180 and your baggage will be 40 lbs. If you weigh 186 to 200 your passenger will weigh 130 lbs. and your baggage will weigh 45 lbs. Heidi weights 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

If your aircraft is a 172, you will have three passengers. If you weigh between 140 and 170 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 140 each and their baggage will weigh 40 lbs. If you weigh between 171 to 185 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 135 lbs. each, and their baggage will be 35 lbs. If you weigh between 186 and 220 lbs., your three passengers will weigh 130 lbs. each and their baggage will be 45 lbs. Heidi weights 145 lbs. and her bag 6 lbs.

If your aircraft is Model 172S, your passengers will each weigh 150 lbs. and their baggage is 40 lbs. each.

  • For the actual flight portion of the practical test;
  • Ms. Heidi weighs 145 and her bag weighs 6 pounds.
  • Please bring the actual and the scenario weight and balance with you.

Text (503) 809-6441 for further instructions.

If any of these destinations above are not MORE than 100 NM from your departure, please contact your DPE at: (503) 809-6441